We ask that all residents take the below precaution to protect themselves, others and our community. *If you are sick or have symptoms please DO NOT ENTER Sand Key Club common areas/Building and stay quarantined at home. *Keep the recommended social distance at all times includes: Attendants, Manager and common areas. *Wash hands and Sanitize often specifically after touching door handles, elevator buttons or other common elements.
ELEVATOR: We recommend one person/family in the elevator at any time. Please ask before getting on the elevator with others and be courteous of others health concerns and uncertainty. It’s been suggested to use a key fob or other object to push the floor buttons avoid touching common areas.
BATHROOMS: Owners are responsible to wash hands and not touch face and for their own well being when using shared facilities.
PLAZE DECK:Owners are responsible to wipe down and sanitize chairs and tables before use. Move furniture from others and keep the recommended social distance on the plaza deck.
GYM/SAUNA: If antibacterial wipes become unavailable because resources are limited and the residents must bring their own antibacterial supplies to wipe down equipment.
GUEST: Guests/Visitor are to be limited. All guests and Visitors must check in at time of arrival and state unit and auto Information. Visitors and Guests should be meet in the lobby and accompanied to the unit. Large parties or groups gatherings of more than 10 are not permitted on Sand Key Club common areas or property to comply with Social Distancing. Owners must inform attendance in advance of expected guests’ arrival.
DELIVERIES: Deliveries of packages /food will be allowed to the front entrance. No delivery personal will be allowed in elevators or common areas. If there is an emergency need contact manager. Owners are to schedule any deliveries that required movers or use of elevator 24 hours in advance. Until further notice.
VENDORS Vendors/Maintenance/Cleaning/People will be allowed and required to wear a mask in the common areas. They must follow the CDC guidelines and adhere to social distancing and association posted requests to protect the community. Owner needs to inform attendants in advance of any expected vendors and estimated time of arrival. All vendors must have a form on file.
CONTRACTORS: Must follow the CDC guidelines and adhere to social distancing and association posted requests to protect the community. Are required to wear a Mask in common areas.
GRILL: Limit number of users to one person or one family at any time. Wipe down all equipment before and after use.
REALITORS: Realtors are to call 30 minutes ahead of any appointments so attendant are aware of appointment. Realtor must accompany all clients onto the property and sign in together at the front desk. Attendants will not allow clients to enter building without licensed realtor present. Realtors that have been given a Gate Fob and Key Fob to allow themselves in must still call ahead 30 minutes prior to arrival.
Contact Manager with any question or concerns